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Heart-Coherent Parenting Programs

We understand you want your children to have a loving home, good health, and quality education. The HeartMath Institute scientists, researchers, educators, and trainers have helped thousands of children worldwide lead healthier, happier lives with heart-focused programs, services, games, and more.

  • Help children, ages 3-6, acquire emotional competencies.

  • Help youth, ages 7-11, achieve extended periods of physiological coherence by actively self-generating positive emotions.

  • Help teens, ages 12-18+, reduce feelings of anxiety, tension, anger, worry, and sadness.

Children – Ages 3-6

Young children have a beautiful way of looking at life. HeartMath encourages and nurtures this by helping children acquire emotional competencies and learn about the qualities of the heart. What children learn before beginning school, especially socioemotional skills, profoundly affects future academic success, relationships and self-image.

Help children acquire emotional competencies.

Heart rate variability trace (heart rhythm pattern) were recorded in real time from individuals experiencing different emotions. Negative emotions, such as anxiety, anger and frustration, typically give rise to an erratic, irregular heart rhythm pattern (incoherence). Conversely, positive emotions, such as appreciation, care and compassion, produce a highly ordered, stable heart rhythm pattern of smooth, repeating waves (coherence). 

Heart rhythm patterns reflect different emotional states. (From McCraty et al., 2006. © Institute of HeartMath)   

Youth – Ages 7-11

Habits and attitudes formed during elementary school can last a lifetime. HeartMath programs and techniques for this age group provide a head start for the middle and high school years.

Help youth achieve extended periods of physiological coherence by actively self-generating positive emotions.

Preadolescence is that marvelous time when children’s curiosity about the world and reliance on personal skills increases. This time is ideal for understanding and self-regulating their emotions. Research shows learning socioemotional skills early can improve behavior, performance and, ultimately, success at home, school and play.

When your children are sad, upset or not feeling well, HeartShift™ is a wonderful and healthy way to cheer up. With your assistance, they can learn to lift their spirits anytime by shifting to the heart.

The coherent state has been correlated with a general sense of well-being and improvements in cognitive, social and physical performance. (From Institute of HeartMath)

Teens Ages 12-18+

Understanding and managing stress and emotions can help adolescents mature and prepare for higher learning and work. HeartMath programs and technology help them succeed.

Help teens reduce feelings of anxiety, tension, anger, worry, and sadness.

Once you name and then identify and admit unwanted feelings such as anxiety, tension, anger, worry and sadness, you'll find it's a lot easier to neutralize and release them. When teens experience positive emotions, it will increase the biochemical DHEA, which promotes emotional vitality, slows the aging process and offsets the stress hormone cortisol.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 40 million American adults – that’s 18% of the population – have anxiety disorders, which often begin in childhood. Social phobia alone, when people become overwhelmingly anxious and excessively self-conscious in everyday social situations, affects 15 million adults, and specific phobias, an intense fear of something that poses little or no actual danger, affects 19.2 million adults in the U.S.

Years of research by the HeartMath Institute has shown you can achieve a healthy balance in your emotions. Help teens learn to stop feeding anxious feelings, create new emotional patterns and behaviors and replace the negative ones that have been draining your energy and spirit.  


Support for Children Ages 3 to 6

Shift & Shine Technique™

for Ages 3-6: 

With parental guidance, the Shift and Shine™ Technique can help children develop positive emotions, learn the joyful qualities of the heart and enhance this special time in their lives.

Facilitating Emotional Self-Regulation with Shift & Shine in Pre-School Children.

Based on a comprehensive HeartMath's highly successful Early HeartSmarts® study and program, children ages 3-6 improved cognitive, sensory, hormonal, and information processing systems. Researchers concur learning socio-emotional skills early gives children a great start in life.

Helping Children Manage Stress with Shift & Shine 

Family, academics, peer pressure and proliferating technology are stressing our youth. Children and those who care for them are managing today’s stressors with habits of the heart.

Support for Youth Ages 7-11

HeartShift Technique™

When your children are sad, upset or not feeling well, HeartShift™ is a wonderful and healthy way to cheer up. With your assistance, they can learn to lift their spirits anytime by shifting to the heart.

HeartShift™ and Stress Solutions

Proven Methods of Raising Test Scores .

Students can learn to increase their coherence, which scientists describe as an optimal performance state that enhances learning, Easy-to-learn steps are included for building coherence, boosting confidence and managing the negative thoughts and feelings that block comprehension and reason.

HeartShift™ and Stopping the Bullying

It’s disheartening to learn a child is a bully or victim of bullying. This is a serious and common problem today. HeartMath stresses teaching children to recognize, understand and self-regulate anger, anxiety and fear – emotions that can lead to such negative behavior.

Support for Teens 12 - 18+

Quick Coherence® Technique

Adolescence, through the teens and into adulthood, can be wonderful and challenging: transitioning to high school and college, driving, first jobs. Coherence provides stability and extra confidence and energy. This technique was specially developed to help young people get in sync.

Inner Ease Technique

The simple steps of Inner Ease will guide teens, teaching them to take the intensity out of negative emotions, ease them out and experience more good feelings such as joy, compassion and vitality.

Heart Lock-In Technique

The Heart Lock-In® Technique, one of HeartMath’s earliest tools, has helped individuals and groups increase heart-rhythm coherence for many years. Now a study* has validated the tool’s effect on synchronization between the heart and geomagnetic activity, which is significant because this synchronization is associated with better health.


Parents will learn how to recognize the many faces of stress and strategies for helping children lower, manage stress.

Children, youth, and teens will gain knowledge, skills, and abilities to build lead healthier, happier lives with heart-focused techniques.

Materials for Children Ages 3-6

Shift & Shine Technique™

Materials for Youth 7-11

Hea​​rtShif​t Technique™

Materials for Teens 12 - 18+

Quick Coherence® Technique

Inner Ease Technique
Heart Lock-In® Technique


If you are interested in the mentoring or coaching, contact us and we will schedule a consultation session to discuss your specific needs.


If you have any questions,

please call



“Positive emotion-focused techniques, like those developed by HeartMath, can help individuals effectively replace stressful thoughts and emotional patterns with more positive perceptions and emotions.” - NBC Today

“Remarkably, simply by recalling a positive emotion the heart rhythms smooth out.” - ABC World New Tonight

“Not only does HeartMath reduce fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure, it can increase mental acuteness and overall performance.” - CBS

“(HeartMath is) a mind-body approach that harnesses people’s ability to improve their health.” - Natural Health


“The HeartMath stress-reduction training program is transforming the way people live their lives.” - Roll Call

"This program is great for the family. I have tools to help me and my family handle things better. Thank you."

"It validated for me what is important and not important to my well-being. I am better off and more grounded than I thought I was. It also confirmed to me, my support structure and the loving support I have around me.”

"I have learned so much working with Cathy. I am more aware of my sources of stress, and how to use techniques to improve my well-being and resilience to prepare for anything that comes my way. I the tools and I will use them daily."

"Thank you for your time today. Every time we chat, I realize again how very fortunate I am to have met you. I feel strongly that people do come into your life for a particular reason, whether for a short time frame or longer term, and you are one of those people for me. I really appreciate the fact that your own life experiences enhance your ability to help me in identifying a better way of thinking and approaching matters. You exude such positivity and compassion I feel like I've known you forever. You are truly a wonderful coach, colleague and friend."

"I was not even aware of the stress I was holding on to, until I learned the HeartMath techniques. Now I notice immediately when something is stressful and have the techniques and mind set to change my perception and deal with the situation in a positive way. Wow!! this really work."

"I know now how to reduce stressful thinking, be happier, and improve my attitude by using the techniques I learned. Thank you!"

“What you taught me so far... Is working miracles! I am so grateful for you!”

"These techniques have helped me see reality, to see thing for what they are and not take things so personal."

"I am less concerned about what others think of me. I have learned I am important, and these techniques have taught me to see things from a larger view point."

"Tuning into your heart’s wisdom creates a profound shift within that helps you approach situations with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity and personal confidence."

"Great program! It was informative. You explained things with real life examples which made it easy to understand, and you made it fun."

"At work and at home I am able to bounce back from negative situations, because I have the tools and techniques that help me respond to the situation in a healthy way."

"I received some bad news regarding the health of one family member, and typically I would have been very emotional and unable to know what to do. I used the HeartMath techniques and was calm and able to handle the situations during this news."

"I don’t get frustrated or angry any more. I see things from a new perceptive."

"I am less worried about things, and I do not play negative situations over and over in my head. I am able to let go things I do not have control over. I learned I have control over my emotions."

"I learned more options to dealing with problem situations, which will help me make healthier choices and bounce back easily during challenging situations."

"I learned what makes me happy and I 

have a positive attitude now. These techniques really work!!"

"When challenging situation happen, I am able to bounce back faster. I also have new ways to communicate, which will improve my relationships with my family and others."

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